Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Does your OB/Gyn require a "circumcision deposit"?

Does your OB/Gyn require a "circumcision deposit"?

We were alerted about this (apparently not so new) trend, by a post on The Whole Network:
Fan Question: I am pregnant with my second child and my regular OB (who delivered my daughter) started a new policy that forces patients to pay a "circ deposit" before their first prenatal visit. Apparently this is a growing trend among doctors.. Whether or not you are having a boy or if you want to keep him intact you have to pay and if you don't use it the money will be refunded after you are discharged from the hospital. I tried fighting it but they told me it won't be done unless I sign a consent form at the hospital. Since it is a new policy I am worried that the staff at the hospital will see that I paid and do it anyway assuming I wanted it done. I just found out that I am having a boy so I need to decide what to do now. Even though they are promising that I will have a say in the end, it makes me really uncomfortable and I'm not sure how safe my son will really be. I am thinking about switching to a new OB over this but I have medicaid so my options are limited. Would it be worth switching over? I am also not sure how to find an intact friendly OB so i was wondering if you could help point me in the right direction. I didn't search for a doctor with my daughter because he was my regular GYN. I'm in Melbourne FL. There are no birthing centers around here..

But a quick search for "circumcision deposit" allowed us to find that this has been reported at least since 2009, with questions about the legality and ethical value of this practice. It is likely that this practice will increase as Medicare stops funding newborn circumcision in more states. In this particular case, the original poster is located in Florida, where newborn circumcisions are not covered.

More reports here, here.

Some relevant comments:

"I would change doctors immediately, if that is an option.  I would worry that my paying a deposit would be construed as consenting to circumcision and would be afraid that it would be done without my knowledge."

"I wonder how many mothers assume they don't have a choice in the matter because they have to pay for it anyway!"

The fact that parents who express their refusal to circumcise, and parents who are expecting girls, are being forced to pay this "deposit"  - even if it's refunded later or applied to other outstanding balances- is outrageous. This is nothing but a way to reinforce the status quo of newborn circumcision, making it look like the default treatment is circumcision, effectively pushing it onto families from non-circumcising cultures. Forget the multiculturalism, forget the respect for the parents and the child. It's all about collecting that fee and cutting that foreskin.

Circleaks is interested in exposing this practice and helping bring it to an end. But in order to do so we need your help. Please, help us identify entities and doctors with these policies. Your personal information will be strictly confidential.

Please email circleaks {at}

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully, more and more insurance plans will drop coverage for circumcision. As a result, we might unfortunately see things like this that are totally outrageous. This might last until circumcision in the US becomes uncommon or until someone creates laws that discourage the "sale" of circumcisions.
